Saturday, July 11, 2009

Staples back to school sale

2 packages of Photo Plus Paper (60 sheets of 4x6 paper) at $9.99 each
2 8-packs of pencils $0.01 each
2 packages of Copy Paper (500 sheet ream) at $3.69 each
2 packages of Bic Velocity Fashion Pens at $1 each

Use the $5/20 coupon on the front of the ad
Use 2 $1/1 Bic pen coupons at

Spend $22.38 plus tax out of pocket
Get $25.32 back in rebates **
$2.98 moneymaker after rebate!

Now you can also TRY to get wal-mart to match the sale. Some will and some won't. They'll match the pencils for $1 and the Bic pens for $1, but they probably won't match the rebate or $5 of $25 coupon from the front cover. I say probably because on computer stuff wal-mart is supposed to match the sale AFTER all the discounts and rebates. This isn't a computer, but it's worth a shot.

**I did the math wrong a minute ago. I thought the photo paper was $0.01 after rebate, but it's a buck after rebate. I've updated my post to reflect that. For the rest of the flyer, go here and click on sneak peek, then enter your zip.


Tara said...

Does it end today? Staples is quite a distance but I have to go that way tomorrow.

Karen said...

It starts tomorrow. The $5 off $20will be in the front of the ad, and the rebates are for the photo paper and copy paper. Each rebate has a limit of two and should print out at the register when you check out.

Tara said...

Awesome Thank you!